RCE LLC © 2025 All Rights Reserved.

How to contact RCE, LLC

The phone number is: 541-512-0440. Business hours are 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Pacific Time, Monday through Thursday. RCE, LLC is closed on Fridays. Please feel free to call but email is much better.

US Mail
Mail should be sent to: RCE, LLC, 4090 Colver Rd., Phoenix, Oregon, USA 97535. Please note Oregon, not Arizona.

When sending an email put your NAME on the email. I have no clue who muzzleblast@fred.com is. All the orders are sorted by name, not a code word. I spend hours sometimes trying to match an email handle to a real name. It really delays things.

Send messages to me via the form below or to the address: richard@rceco.com. Drawings and photos can be sent by email.

To Place an Order
Please use the form on the “How to Order” page to send me a message with a list of items you are interested in. I will send a return email with the price of the items, shipping charges, and the total cost. Once you have confirmed, I will send a Paypal invoice for the total charge.

Shipments will usually be sent using UPS.  I will sometimes use USPS but for most shipments will only ship by USPS if asked to do so.  I recommend UPS when-ever it can be used.  


Contact Richard

    RCE, LLC will never ask for personal information such as a Social Security number or other data.  No Email asking for a link to be clicked on, or photos that need to be opened will ever be sent, and RCE, LLC will never send links to other sites.  Spoofing of emails is very common.  If something doesn’t look right it probably isn’t and might be Malware of some sort.