How to contact RCE, LLC
The phone number is: 541-512-0440. Business hours are 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Pacific Time, Monday through Thursday. RCE, LLC is closed on Fridays. Please feel free to call but email is much better.
US Mail
Mail should be sent to: RCE, LLC, 4090 Colver Rd., Phoenix, Oregon, USA 97535. Please note Oregon, not Arizona.
When sending an email put your NAME on the email. I have no clue who is. All the orders are sorted by name, not a code word. I spend hours sometimes trying to match an email handle to a real name. It really delays things.
Send messages to me via the form below or to the address: Drawings and photos can be sent by email.
To Place an Order
Please use the form on the “How to Order” page to send me a message with a list of items you are interested in. I will send a return email with the price of the items, shipping charges, and the total cost. Once you have confirmed, I will send a Paypal invoice for the total charge.
Shipments will usually be sent using UPS. I will sometimes use USPS but for most shipments will only ship by USPS if asked to do so. I recommend UPS when-ever it can be used.